Snowflake is a cloud-based data warehousing platform that offers seamless integration with various programming languages, including Python. With Snowflake, you can easily create and manage tables using Python, without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure. In this blog post, we will show you how to create tables in Snowflake using Python.
Before we get started, make sure you have the Snowflake Python connector installed. You can install it using the following command:
pip install snowflake-connector-python
Next, you need to establish a connection to your Snowflake account. You can do this by providing your account information, username, password, and the name of your Snowflake warehouse. Here’s an example using values defined in yaml file and wired in using a config class
import snowflake.connector class SnowflakeProcessor: def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.conn = snowflake.connector.connect( user=self.config.User, password=self.config.Password, account=self.config.Account )
Once you have established a connection, you can create a table using the execute
method of the connection object. The syntax for creating a table in Snowflake is similar to the syntax for creating a table in SQL. Since we are creating the table based on a csv lets use pandas dataframe to manufacture the create table SQL.
In the example below I have specified on_bad_lines setting to be warn and continue. You can choose to error or ignore. In my case I wanted to get the warning so that I can log and analyze for missing data after imports are complete.
Another thing you might notice is nrows=3. I am using the setting since the files are large and I am using dataframe to do some initial sanity check and get table creation string. It does not make sense to make pandas load a 100MB file to do that. Hence I load just the first few rows.
df = pd.read_csv(file, on_bad_lines='warn', nrows=3) cols = ",".join([f'{c} date default 1/1/1950 ' if c.lower().endswith("_dt") else f'{c} varchar' for c in df.columns.values])
Now that I have the create table SQL squared away lets look into how we plan to load the table with data from the csv. The best way to do that is to put the file into a stage on snowflake and then copy the data from the csv file on the stage into the table you just created. You can use an existing stage or create one for csv files with comma as the delimiter
# Create a stage create stage <database_name>.<schema_name>.DATA_STAGE file_format = (type = ""csv"" field_delimiter = "","" skip_header = 1)
Now that you have the stage, you can add your csv file to it
# Upload csv file to stage f'PUT file://{csvfile} @<database_name>.<schema_name>.DATA_STAGE auto_compress=true OVERWRITE = TRUE'
Last step is to copy data from csv into the table. Here is an example command to do that. There are some road blocks I hit during the copy step due to the data I was dealing with. I will explain each of the tweaks I used to work around the issues I faced.
The data in some of the csv files was enclosed in double quotes.”Mohammed”,”Bloomberg”. This setting instructs snowflake to remove these enclosing double quotes before insertion - NULL_IF
I had some data columns. If the data is empty, snowflake correctly assigns null date or default date to it. However if the null is not clear then data insertion stops with errors. NULL_IF instructs snowflake for all the possible null values that the csv files might have - ON_ERROR
By default if there are errors snowflake returns the error and stops processing. If you want to continue data insertion in spite of errors you can set this to continue - VALIDATION_MODE
In case of errors in data, if you continue on error with the above setting the data will be inserted but you will not know what were the errors encountered and for which rows. To get the error list without inserting the data you can use validation_mode
# Copy data from csv file into the table copy into {name} from @<database_name>.<schema_name>.DATA_STAGE/{csvfile}.gz file_format = (type = "csv" field_delimiter = "," skip_header = 1 field_optionally_enclosed_by = \'"\' trim_space = false NULL_IF = (\'\\\\N\', \'NULL\', \'NUL\', \'\') ) ')
One thing to note is that to create table and insert data you need to run a few more sql statements to the set the arena correctly. Pick the correct role for the job. You dont have to be sysadmin. Set the correct database and the schema. Make sure the warehouse is set and is resumed if its suspended. Lastly you can drop the table if you want to start fresh
use role SYSADMIN use database <db_name> use warehouse <Warehouse> ALTER WAREHOUSE <Warehouse> RESUME IF SUSPENDED use schema <Schema> drop table if exists <db_name> create table {name}({cols})
And that’s it! You have successfully created tables in Snowflake using Python. With Snowflake’s robust data warehousing platform and seamless integration with various programming languages, you can easily manage your data and build powerful data applications.
In the next article we will see it all playing together
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